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Washington State University 外媒:菜鸟未来园区黑科技成物流骨干网“加速器” - · 随着菜鸟全力打造智能物流骨干网,科技已经成为这张物流网络的强劲“加速器”。 通过IoT物联网、人工智能、边缘计算等前沿技术,菜鸟与合作伙伴正在物流园区、仓储分拣、干线运输、中转分拨、末端配送等环节,全面实现数字化和智能化,为即将到来的天猫双11天量包裹加速。



While under the Washington state Stay Home, Stay Healthy order our staff is working remotely. You may still reach us by phone and leave a message but be advised that responses may be delayed. For the quickest response to questions or concerns please email us at

Our hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm

File a Complaint Form

Meetings and interactions will be primarily via email, Zoom video conference, phone, or postal mail. If you need an accommodation to this process, please let us know.



  • 海外免费vp

    • CRCI is WSU’s central intake and referral office for discrimination, discriminatory harassment, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct complaints from students, staff, faculty, and visitors or guests.
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    • WSU’s Executive Policy #15 Discrimination, Discriminatory Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Sex and Gender Based Violence. This policy expresses WSU’s commitment to maintain an environment free of all forms of discrimination.
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    • CRCI is a resource for the university community for questions relating to civil rights compliance, requirements, and obligations.  CRCI also actively monitors university programs and provides compliance recommendations as appropriate.
  • 海外免费vp

    • CRCI monitors activities and provides technical guidance to ensure WSU is in compliance with state and federal equal employment opportunity and affirmative action laws.
  • 海外免费vp

    • 2021 年 6月 14 日 随笔档案 - itprobie-菜鸟程序员 - 博客园:2021-6-14 · posted @ 2021-06-14 02:03 itprobie-菜鸟程序员 阅读(0) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 Docker 镜像加速 摘要:Docker 镜像加速 国内从 DockerHub 拉取镜像有时会遇到困难,此时可伃配置镜像加速器。
  • Clery Compliance 

    • The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) was enacted in 1990 and requires institutions to publish an annual security report, maintain a crime log, issue timely warnings and maintain crime statistics.
  • ADA Compliance 

    • WSU prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of disability, and WSU is committed to providing accessible programs and services.  CRCI provides technical guidance to the university community about our obligations under the ADA, as well as grievance processes for those who experience discrimination on the basis of their disability.
  • Education and Training

    • CRCI is committed to raising awareness about civil rights and equal employment opportunity issues. By engaging in educational endeavors, it is our hope to improve campus climate, improve best practices, and help secure a diverse workforce that can meet the needs of the University.


File a Complaint 

Polices and Procedures 

News and Events 

To take the WSU Employee Demographic Information Survey, please contact our office or visit the below link:

菜鸟世界 -用cython 加速你的python企码:1、cython 人生苦短,我用python。 python简单易用,强大灵活,加之活跃的社区贡献了无数的开源库,备受广大程序员喜欢,但是速度上,相比于其他语言就落后许多,但作为胶水语言,它可伃和c语言非常有效的结合,因此,我伀可伃使用c语言来为python加速。

For questions about the survey please contact our office or visit the below link:

FAQ for Collection of Personal Demographic Information


Washington State University